Any of various broad-spectrum antibiotics, closely related to the penicillins, that were originally derived from the fungus Cephalosporium acremonium. a fungicidal antibiotic produced by molds of the genus Penicillium. 头孢霉菌素一种与青霉毒有联系的广谱抗生素,最初提取于真菌头孢子菌由青霉素类软膏制成的真菌抗生素。
Any of various characteristically bluish-green fungi of the genus Penicillium that grow as molds on decaying fruits and ripening cheese and are used in the production of penicillin and in making cheese. 青霉菌任何一种长于腐烂的水果和成熟的奶酪上的青霉菌属蓝绿色真菌,用于制造青霉素和奶酪。